Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Essay Question # 1 Review

As you all know studying for the AP exam can be a little difficult, people love to play around and some don’t even know how they are going to study. Well to make matters simple. We are making this guide specifically for student to study for the Fist essay that is Given on the AP Exam.
We believe that in order to do well you on it, you will first have to understand the poem Or poems.
By reading carefully and finding its purpose.

And in order to write a well organize essay you will have to find the analytical focuses, thematic focus, as well as the TP-Cast.

Analitical Focus:
For the analytical focus I mean to find different literal elements. And what we found out was that for this specific part of the exam. The main elements that seem to apear over and over are.
1- Diction
2- Imagery
3- Tone
4- Point of View
5- Figurative Language

to define elements as:
Diction: style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words or the accent, inflection, intonation, and speech-sound quality manifested by an individual speaker.
Imagery: figurative or descriptive language in a literary work or images collectively
Figurative language: speech or writing that departs from literal meaning in order to achieve a special effect or meaning, speech or writing employing figures of speech

Tone Explain as an intonation, pitch, modulation, etc. of the voice that expresses a particular meaning or feeling of the speaker. Or as what you get from the speaker

Point Of view explain as a position from which something is observed or considered; a standpoint or the attitude or outlook of a narrator or character in a piece of literature, a movie, or another art form. First second of third person/ so on.

As for the thematic focus, being no surprise were you will have the same as The TP-CAST and find the theme(s) of the poem(s). Were in the themes you will have to understand the meaning of the theme after you find it, As well as you need to it helps to write the essay.

For most of the Poem an in order to understand it, one of the most important things you have to keep in mind is the TP-CAST (title, paraphrase, connotation, attitude, shift, and theme). It is important because it helps you understand the poem and it gives you a better chance or more information to write the essay.


Title: looking at the Title and trying to get some insight form it
Paraphrase: to put the poem or lines in your own words
Connotation: something connoted; idea or notion suggested by or associated with a word, phrase, etc. a word with other meaning
Attitude: what it the author attitude in the poem.
Shift: Find The shifts in the poem
Theme: Find the main Idea of the poem and what is its meaning.


Before taking the test make sure to study. Not only look at your notes but make sure to look at your vocabulary because most of the poems as well as the passage have very advance big words.

Students remember that you should read the poem carefully and make use of all you have learned. Check your spelling And try your best remember. Do not skip lines and read the poem over to understand it
(there is no Cheating on an essay,)

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